• Solar Energy

  • Sustainable Development

  • Engineering Reports

  • Free Access

Copyright 2025 - Custom text here


Gassem Azzain
Faculty of Engineering - Sebha University PO Box 19758. Sebha Libya
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This inductive research is located within the theme of the management and development of renewable energy systems. In brief, It introduces the potential and ability of renewable energies available in “Wadi AL-ajal”, which is located south-west of Libya, in providing many job opportunities; in addition to power generation. Several proposed investment models in solar, wind and biomass energies in this paper show -via statistical approach- how to provide a variety of job opportunities according to investment activities proposed in the three mentioned fields of renewable energies. In conclusion, the paper confirms the availability of the earlier mentioned renewable energies in varying amounts and varying degrees, they are all able to create jobs and employment of advanced technology, which are necessary for any national program for sustainable development, with the support of economic stimuli that affect investment, such as; the market activation, human resources, and finance.



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Paper In Arabic

"Exploration of the potential employment opportunities in the field of renewable energies in “Wadi AL-ajal”"