• Solar Energy

  • Sustainable Development

  • Engineering Reports

  • Free Access

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Abdulghani M. Ramadan
Faculty of Engineering, Elmergib University, Garaboulli , Libya
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Khairy R. Agha
Faculty of Engineering, University of Tripoli, Libya.
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Solar and renewable energies applications got a great interest and attention in the last few decades. Problems related to CO2 emissions, air pollution, Ozone layer depletion, global warming and environment issues raise the necessity for getting a clean and safe energy. For this purpose, the Center for Solar Energy Studies (CSERS) in Libya conducted a huge research work in different applications for solar and renewable energies. One of these important activities is the Solar Gradient Solar Pond technology. It is an effective solar energy collection and storage system which presents a relatively simple and economic method of providing low grade energy with the advantage of annual storage cycle.
This paper presents a general review on researches and studies on solar ponds that were conducted by CSERS research team. Tajoura’s Experimental Solar Pond (TESP) is designed as an experimental facility enabling the investigation of various aspects of pond performance. It is constructed by the Center for Solar Energy Studies, in joint cooperation with a Swiss company, with a surface area of about 830 m2, and a depth of 2.5 m, coupled with an evaporative pond of 105 m2 area and 1.5 m deep, equipped with all necessary equipments and measuring control system.
The paper also shows the experience of operating MSF desalination unit coupled with TESP solar pond. Finally, other factors affecting the solar pond’s thermal stability were also discussed.


Solar Pond, Evaporation Pond, Salt Diffusion, Thermal Storage

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"Review on Solar Ponds in Libya"